So complex processes tend to run afoul of oversimplification on good days and on normal mixed days that oversimplification gets heavily influenced by various personal agendas and short term self interests.
I don't think I ever planned to put law enforcement in the hands of the Roma. But what I always planned was to start transferring Roma persons to the Kiolya, and to put the Kiolya in charge of law enforcement (this computer has a stubborn o the last ne had an awful sound system) because they have a much stronger fitra than the Roma. I don't know if there will be any Roma left eventually, someone needs to be in charge of assessment of misfits, there may be some kind of new group in charge of that that may have some former Roma and Tuareg in it. The Kiolya will eventually need to fix the Aztecs, because they will need a bunch of techs to help, considering that the Kiolya are always smaller in numbers.
The Bush debt to the Gypsies has been declared marrymay (xmas) because everyone who has touched it has been transferred to another group. There's a group of Roma heritage people in Turkey who just got undifferentiated from the Turks they outsource to.
There's a lot of stuff I used to do when I was younger that I don't do anymore because I've determined it to be the source of mental disorder and confusion. I'm pretty sure that is what marrymay is, fitna in arabic, for me the biggest thing is trying to use the wrong part of my capacity to relate to others on people with a vague reason to be standing there at the moment. This can get complex when there are debt relationships to think about, because abandoning things of value can do the same thing.
Anyway, a lot of times there used to be sensitive women who could see and explain the clean rout through a conflict, but it was pointless to be these women because no matter what we say to people who can't see this stuff themselves they will add and subtract from it and then say we agreed to do the physical work of it when that was never part of the discussion. So the Gypsies ended up owing a man to the Siberians. That debt has been resolved now. In the meantime the siberians have been though some significant changes.
Bubba's success is due to an early marriage because his trainer couldn't otherwise relate. Because of this relationship a lot of other people became higher functioning. The same needs to occur in some configuration for the man going to Siberia.
As for my girls, if they can't grow up short, and vaguely dim, and outside the framework, they need to be Kiolya, they will be too extreme for any place in the Roma hierarchy, and like I said, sensitive girls are pointless.
As for the backlog of curses that have kept the Roma in shape and identity all this time, its been settled upon all the members of communities of certain configurations, because they said that ever sing one of them is a member of the law enforcement community, and I put my own stink on it, because that's the way the world works.