Yesterday when I was walking home I passed the potty chair porch and El Jeffe Mexicano was there telling El Gordo Blanco that they planned to make the most toxic cook ever last night and I didn't catch the rest but I assumed it was report any aches or pains, stiff walking or grumbling that I might exhibit in the next few days. I started thinking about how cheap mexican lives are, I need to stomp on something but sometimes Dad ends up covering the costs of any broken thing I have to end up buying. Gramps sometimes told me about different kinds of whores, the ones that people call wives and children tend to be the highest earners of the bunch.
Anyway, as I was running this morning they were trying very hard to finish the job of killing me that they couldn't complete last night and I thought about Sumo and visualized my footfalls stabilizing the earth more totally except in areas where people of various kinds were to be found that way when things get to where I can't keep ahead of them and something has to blow up the pieces will land more neatly.
I'm not sure I will be able to keep remembering to do this, and instead of stealing my inheritance from me by means of hypnotic drugs, people stole their own allotment of mercy, found it of no value and flushed it down the shitter.
As for that killing me job, they were discussing this morning how they only know of so many toxins, I have learned the systems of the body that they effect, and that the most painful one that they had was a chelating agent, so I was no longer lead poisoned and considerably less radioactive than I used to be, and I had learned that I need to replace minerals regularly.
I got to wondering about some of the more random smaller minerals, but I take kelp which is mainly for the iodine but it has all sorts of sea salt things in it. I also got to wondering about the different mineral sources, magnesium oxide vs magnesium citrate vs magnesium gluconate. Honestly unless its really necessary I get whatever they sell at Kroger the cheapest.
I'm sitting amongst drug dealers and pimps again at the library. I changed my activity log when I thought about going to Kmart for another box of pint jars and then went to the library anyway. I also thought about going and getting potting soil at Kroger, I don't know if that will happen or not. My potting soil is pretty bad but I'm not sure about throwing good money after bad on plants that are addicted to some kind of fertilizer I don't have. They seem to be doing ok in adjustment to new circumstances, but I've also over fertilized things before and found that weaning them is difficult.
I was thinking about the box elder bug that wandered into my bedroom. The exterminator said they typically come in thousands not ones and I can't spell two oh yeh there it is. Damn, Anyway, there was a box elder tree at the Ransom Road House when I was a kid, I think this tree had already come back from a stump at least once fifty years before we lived there, if they cut the tree down it would do it again. That's the only box elder I've ever met to be honest with you.
I imagined that somewhere where Peg and Dean and Lenea are using the same fertilizer, boxes move around sometimes, through coal tunnels and bugs hitch rides.
People still act like we shouldn't round more people up and bean them with hard metallic objects more often, that its nicer and better to gas people like me so it looks like natural causes, that killing runners for running is totally natural but speaking ill of the drug dealers is dangerous and there's jobs for people in keeping us in hospitals for that.
And I'm pretty sure I don't know what the issue is with Steve not requesting money from the trust correctly, Aunt Peg was particular but not impossible. BHA is already putting cameras in as fast as they can afford them, if that rate was doubled it would be a good thing, but like all things people try to give to individuals, some random person will always say that they are just as individual as the next guy.