So swatting is when you call the police and pretend to be someone else and claim to be in the process of doing something really dangerous and harmful to people who are at your mercy so that the police show up at the door of the person you are claiming to be loaded for bear, with the intention that the person who is confronted by the police this way is unable to process the situation rapidly enough to prevent being harmed in the process, its basically homicide by cop.
Gramps drilled me constantly on this and what to do if large numbers of police showed up at my door, the main thing was just to stay inside until they went away but if it looked like they were going to bust the door down as it did a couple of years ago then I have to go out and implement plan B very calmly and moving very slowly, even that is not enough though when police are being coached by support organizations to save the tax payers the money of a trial in hostage cases, anything can be construed as threatening.
On NPR last night they were talking about how to prosecute swatting, its not real clear especially on the federal level with murder being a state issue, but murder for hire or solicitation of murder is a federal thing, and payment doesn't have to be offered but the reasonable expectation that death will result is necessary. Another way to take it that I think is much more likely is the blatant disregard for human life, as may police related shootings resulting in death as there were last year 1000+ actually, whether they are good shoots or not, its a reasonable expectation that if you tell the police that you are someone who has just killed someone and who has hostages and is armed there is the same or greater likelihood of death or grievous injury as if you decide to fire a gun off in a random direction without aiming, or even if you fire off a round or two at someone's house from the outside, you can't see where the people are inside but you know you could hit them maybe. That's the direction that I would take the prosecution in if I were in control of things like this, especially when a swat call results in a police shooting related death of a father of two in his early 20's.
I don't know what Sherry said she was doing the day she called the police claiming to be me from her listed land line knowing that the 911 map was messed up and it was unclear where she was calling from specifically. I knew when I saw so many police showing up that someone had told a pretty big lie to get them there, and that the likelihood was high that many of the police out there were in on the truth of the lie, or had been primed for a period of time to easily accept certain types of scenarios as more probable than anything I could tell them about what I had factually just been doing (freeing up storage space on my cell phone, my one and only phone, that I had never used to call the police with after obtaining a new one with a new number in October previous).
I just remember that day was nice and warm for February, and that when I walked up to my apartment from the library that afternoon and saw the police car stop on my street and park I immediately thought oh know what have I been accused of today.
Another thing that the lawyer speaking on NPR last night mentioned was "obstruction of justice" charges, I think that would be relevant in what has been going on towards me here in Bloomington Indiana, but I don't know how the feds would go about that one, it seems like a crap shoot to be honest, even though I believe that is specifically what has been going on, that people are making false reports about me resulting in thousands of police man hours being diverted away from actual crimes, sometimes in general just to wear staff down and sometimes acutely specific, like people want to engage in a criminal activity in a particular place and they want to make sure that they police are focused on someone who can't be cleared of wrong doing by any of the usual means (some kkk member calls the police and tells them to bugger off) so they call in weird information and the police follow me to the mall while they rob the Chase bank on the west side of town. But usually its drug and prostitution ongoing in the park on one end, while I'm walking on the other.