So I'm at the library again because BHA doesn't fax and the computer lab doesn't have a printer. I tried to have a printer of my own twice, but I don't control all the keys to my home and both mysteriously broke. I eventually couldn't maintain a computer or have cable either, but Iphone SEs are cheaper anyway, and Hulu and Netflix together are cheaper than cable which I also can't have because people kept diverting my line and I got tired of the repair guys.
So Miss Nobody and Her Boy are the topic for today. I wonder where he really came from, I had the flash on the way here that he might be Robert the child of a black woman up the block from us on Lynn Lane whose mother got mouthy with Becky and I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen a woman do, not that I liked what she said about Robert not being able to play or talk with us, but I know my feeling at that time was she is so cool too bad she seems to hate us.
Dignity seems to really upset Miss Nobody and the maintenance staff has found a new topic to deride me on in that I'm doing everything I can to keep my apartment spotless. Its impossible and I was looking at how the tiles had been misaligned in various locations, not random locations, but all tightly aligned except right by the kitchen sink, where one would stand presumably, there is a gap that will always be full of debris. and I also wonder where on earth is all the dust coming from, how did they contrive that one?
They flat refuse to cap the pipe access. They keep calling it a drain, and HAND doesn't see it as a priority like the caulk around my bathroom sink that was no worse than the caulk around any other place until Jamison got hold of it, now its way worse. I have before and after pictures and a video of his repair in progress.
Back to the kitchen, I noticed that no matter how many times I clean the sink itself a black stain keeps reemerging from around where it should be too tightly sealed to have that problem, and I wondered last night if the cabinets were designed to crumble. I know all of this is cataloged on a different set of books so that Alan doesn't have to give anyone a perfect score or even a passing score on inspection unless he chooses to, and I was reminded of my writing in compulsory school and how it was graded, that was before spell check, but they knew it was coming.