Friday, December 12, 2014

Its Not That Rare Really

If you want to see another blue eyed mongol go to youtube and watch mongolia I have seen the earth change at minute 25.50. A lot of these people look like the family members I've seen, some look like they could physically pass for russian if their features and color phase coincided, though frequently they do not, so the ones with the more russian features can be darker and the ones with more traditionally associated mongolian features can be lighter, but also a lot of traits people think are iconic are due to the weather conditions, and when I've been squinting in the windy cold for a hour or so my race is a lot more evident than it is indoors.
*9 times out of 10 when people are denying me service its over the "look on my face or the tone of my voice" but I have to change that to appearance and timbre because that is not something I can control nor does it always mean what they think, but when they presume me to be a white teen ager they have no sense to think things are different, though when I tell them I am a mongol they add insane to the reasons why they don't have to deal with me, and if its true to them it only gets so what, still no soup for you, and considering what could be in it anyway maybe that's for the best*