Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Exceptions To The Rules

This  morning during my daily cleanse I started to giggle and Dad said whatever that was I need to write about it. Someone said to Jason I was pretty gross and he said he didn't think so, stuff like that showed I loved him and he noticed I could hear the conversation and said that its good me to do that kind of thing because we are what we eat after all. I said no you are not, then I got to thinking about it and most of the people in my neighborhood and other places are what they eat, so Jason is an exception to that rule.
Anyway, this morning I woke about 5 am to hear the thump of the pump and a conversation people were having about pumps being the reason more and more people were more and more certain that the doctors couldn't do anything about their pain with all their expensive drugs and tests if they couldn't speak to the fact that the problem was illegal drug activity, because we all know of people who got diagnosed with all kinds of crazy and expensive things when it was really a law enforcement issue and that its cheaper to keep six of these people in jail for a year than it is to treat someone for MS or Cancer even when they resist prosecution.
I guess 45 years ago or so, when people became aware that increased surveillance was causing issues with the ability of communities to self police people took a hiatus mostly from these kinds of activities but the resulting strain was similar to or identical to the strain of chattel slavery and arbitrary imprisonment, and torture that has generated so many resistance traditions in the difficult to observe category. So it generated sorcerers and a new stain of voodoo.
This has matured to the point that people are saying "ma'am" is killing people, though she can't do that without coordination with "sir" its just that people are less salient of his homicidal tendencies than they are of hers. Honestly, he may  not be so salient of them either, though that is starting to change.
Anyway, so people are investing in highly specialized drugs that take a lot of expensive development and testing and are toxic to produce that don't work as well as fungus you can scrape off trees or grow in a jar under the counter. And while they are doing this they don't have a lot of time to really focus on law enforcement.
In the meantime, my wheeling and dealing activities about my kids means I only count one son and don't control the breeding rights of his full sisters. There's a Deer Man out there somewhere, who may be very old, or not. There are other sons, at least two of them are involved in dividing the "if she's not a muslim we don't want any" between those who can adhere to the rules strictly but gracefully and everyone else. There really is only one son who was born of my own activities, the others are older than me, and since they are calibrated to some other woman's painstaking they can have a completely different relationship with Dad than the one that has an inseparable relationship with me. There are also people who are muslim in the background of their activities, I don't know how I'm related to the woman in charge of that project if at all. There are also people who were compelled at some point in the religification process, that's more of a basement scene and may not need to be tattooed across anyones faces since basements tend to be connected by all kinds of tunnels and there are stairs leading out of some even if the doors have odd signs on them at the ground level. Compulsion has universals across religions, some explicitly exclude the compelled while others don't know any other kind to be their own.