(so far my milk brew is still pretty bready but not very sweet despite a can of peaches and two tablespoons of sugar in nearly half a gallon. I put on air tight lids this morning but left it on the counter. when I shook it to mix it up the lids got firm. I was thinking about the New Galt Cookbook and basketball's Indiana roots, how the Spanish flu and prohibition(that I wanted to call the inquisition) obscured the fact that people used to fill a bladder with some stale bread and left over milk and give it to the kids to play around with until it became rock hard, then they could keep it without refrigeration for several days if it didn't get drank up before that)
People in the neighborhood used to call Dave Mann Judy Juju because everything he ever had to say about anything not directly business related was about how jewish he was and how good it was to be jewish and how everyone should envy the jews because they were really all that. I met him when I went to college and thought he was also a college student. If I had known that he was not at all it would have changed things I think, but I don't know if it would be for the better because nothing real happens at universities, they just all compete to generate a truthier truth that is truer than whatever truth that might arise in the wild when you leave the lid of anything for too long.
Anyway, whatever it is they are slinging in those departments, its not suitable for passover.