Monday, December 11, 2017

Family Planning

Bubba and Jason are half brothers, Bubba said he's looking for Commando because if Jason is with me then he wants to at least meet her. They are pretty different in a lot of ways and pretty similar in others as brothers tend to be.
I was talking to Bubba about transmigration and he was talking to me about it too. We talked about how people with the ability to observe me could be causing him more problems than they are and Jason is very much a large part of the reason why they are not, but Bubba's transmigratory abilities are another large part of it.
We keep having conversations about how of all the places that Mongols have moved to we have mutated the least here. The entirety of the breeding herd is moving here, because we can't get everyone else out before the culture and sustainability of the area collapses, possibly because of a bomb or two but probably because of mining. People always say its unlivable out there but it used to be a place where certain things in the more livable places were not happening. That isn't true anymore, so everything anyone would live there to avoid is there, so now its just cold and windy, dry and the cheese is just plain weird.
We talked about paying people, it helps to keep them consistently cooperative. We talked about different time lines he tried to work out and how in some of them he didn't end up getting born.
In the meantime, in the old days we used to think of certain things needing to be more hidden, I mean the recent old days, because there was another older old days when we didn't hide these things, maybe from children for a time, and sometimes not even then. I kinda went lightly into this subject with my landlady when I moved in, when we were talking about how people play with words to make it sound like one person is an absolute ninny and another just a frisky puppy who doesn't deserve so much as a scolding. My previous landlady had complained about the kinds of things I say to people who break into my house in the middle of the night, and we talked about different times of day and different experiences, but when people are being so fucking nosy all the god damn time, we might as well tell them why we once tried to keep them at a distance, but if they are going to stand there in the middle of the living room all night they will find out that we aren't ashamed of anything we are doing, we just erroneously it seems thought that people would appreciate us keeping a few secrets, but if we are being accused of criminal activity just because we don't want to share our pictures of our get togethers during the workday with everyone who walks up and people are going to keep asking anyway I might as well just talk outloud about the smoothies and the bruisies.
(one of the parties to that conversation just said that if you are going to stand there for no reason all the time I might as well put a lampshade on your head and smack you with a quirt every time you try to break character and I have any reason at all to think of you as a non lamp)
(Willies gonna go in the office one day saying "all I wanted her to do was suck my dick, It was entirely uncalled for for her to say something like that to me, if I wasn't a limp noodle already, an atrophied shriveled gangrenous appendage, I'd never get hard again over that, its her fault really, why can't she just be normal)