Sunday, December 3, 2017

Institutional Racism Is Real

It dawned on me this morning that on Friday the first day of the month in which I turn 45 in my first natural life as an American passed without sufficient promotion in the military that I was not required to retire. I started looking at my life through the filter of every military regulation that I have ever pondered in my mind, about how my rank was raised so that Jason and I could not have a relationship, that he was tricked into legally marrying someone else so that if I was promoted for sake of stop loss we could not have a relationship after he retired, and so that people could increase the number of issues that they could raise so that we could not be assigned together while both of us were actively serving. I guess the draft is universal for immortals, I guess.
I think people were trying to get me dishonorably discharged, I don't know if I was ever court marshaled or not, I know I was not convicted of anything. I know I was put to purposes that required me to stay in character during the day, that my Arabic language skills that are native and that I had from childhood and family experiences are something that I complained about not being able to use for purposes of a day job. I know that the Arabs began to call me Mumtaz Jazeelun, and that they repeatedly fell for me, but in a way that the hard feelings were not so much, like when you are beaten by a very good boxer who played by the rules. The US never had a military program involving the Aztecs though, so I felt underutilized quite a bit.
So I was thinking about the Jason thing, about how my ingratitude and all that became such a public matter when I told the original Becky about how I wasn't retarded, back when I was legally too young to be conscripted into any western military. And I know they allowed her to influence later command decisions knowing that she was so prejudiced and that it had direct impact on my overall career.
I was never given a medical discharge, and the sickening of me was intended to cause insubordination that never occurred. I was supposed to die.
And because my rank was never raised above that which is required to retire the first day of the month in which they turn 45, I was able to accept a private sector consulting position on the way out the door.
*no matter what use I was put to, and no matter what impact it had on my day life, I never got any level of security clearance and there is no restriction on my civilian life*