I'm starting to get things worked out so that I can have a pint of kombucha a day without paying more than $3 a day for that, I've got 13 pints aging right now, some a little older than what I bottled today. I like it better room temp, and I want to set things up so that I do the first brew for two weeks and the second for one week, so I have two gallon set ups. Right now I'm drinking kombucha that is only a couple days into its second fermentation, but by the time I finish that the first bottle of the second batch will be a full week old. If they start to seep I'll have to refigerate, but unless they do that I'm going to leave them in the cupboard.
I used jasmine green tea for one and it worked, hell I started it with ginger kombucha. I have the scoby in the jar sitting in two cups of the brew for a few days but I have tea on the stove top right now waiting to come down to room temp to start that one up again. The fishbowl now has two scobies in it and it will wait until next friday like that before I start another brew.
When I get enough scobies I plan to try kefir at least once or twice. milk is so cheap right now, and it upsets me that the Hub is not a place that is safe for me. sarah was there talking about how dicks stay hard on dead men pretending to be the daughter of one of the patrons last time. I think that patron got caught shoplifting and couldn't get out of it another way. Stuff like that doesn't happen at FUMC, and they usually give me more than I can eat in a week, though I wasn't running until recently. I got a running magazine yesterday to look at and I look like a runner though I'm getting stocky in my old age, I want to increase upper body stuff so that I don't look like a T-Rex. Painwize it doesn't really make that much difference what kind of protein I eat as long as I get some whey, and the vega is anti inflammatory, I think the milk may increase pain a little but I think its cheaper to counter that with increased magnesium once I figure out the right balance than it would be to buy meat much. and if they are going to chelate me anyway I don't think there's a limit on small tunas.