I keep a video blog of my speech capacity and thoughts because its hard to explain to people when things are working right how they seem when they are not, and when they are not people take advantage of me.
I was thinking about that complaint form on the BPD website that would be reviewed by the police chief himself and so forth and what words would go on such a thing especially regarding the police "investigating" my park walking, and hub biking and sending people to Kroger, the library, the Hub and other places to tell them to keep track of me because I was a prostitute and drug dealer and all kinds of other lies that they are slandaring me with. When Sarah whatever her name is was talking about the dead man's hard dick it encouraged an actual patron of the Hub to ask me how I got semen out of my hair. She said how do I disinfect it, but when I said it doesn't get infected she was like no you know what I mean don't make me say it face. Anyway, then I noticed no one had coughed at me and no one had sprayed me and I was at 7th street by this point.
I thought also about how whoever Sarah is, she showed up at my previous apartment with a detective's black car, frisked me in public and drove me in it to the hospital. She told me at the police station that she was a detective with the BPD, and that her last name was Carnes, that's what she told me. So when I say I'm being sexually harassed and publicly humiliated by a BPD detective especially at places where I go to get food, that's the reason why I say it like that, because the person doing it introduced herself to me at the station as a detective with the BPD. But I'm not sure that's what she is, I think she's stoploss somehow for retail, and I'm not a shoplifter, but a lot of her "assets" that she uses to infiltrate my life are.
*did someone call her in to deal with me over some kind of inventory? is that what they consider me?*
(with all the niggling and nitpicky calls that come in to various places about me from various places there are no known calls of anyone complaining about the dead dick and hair contamination people, but the brewhaha over the day I said hello to the police car that kept following me everywhere still hasn't ended, and I said "hello how are you today" kinda loud, kinda sardonic, but that's all I said or words to that effect, nothing sexual)