So Bubba was looking up Jack Lalanne and had never seen people in better form and wondered about why people don't use his method anymore. Because its free and easy to do in the home without expensive equipment and it doesn't create jobs and it works. I'm doing a points challenge with Lose It which at most costs $40 a year and I got it for half price though you can also use it for free with fewer features and its the only tool that I think people should pay for and if they don't want to they don't have to. Trainers are for children and adults should understand their own process, but like any professional it helps to keep up to date as new information is published and understand how to weigh the different ideas in terms of their relative value in application.
But a lot of people want you to pay them. I'm not saying a coach is dispensable though because to really compete you need someone who can push you to push who doesn't feel how bad you want to stop, nobody in sports is that strong, anyone that strong has been put to another purpose, but a dietitian is a waste of money these days. Anyway on Lose It I'm pretty sure two of the other participants are trolls who are there to steal my thunder. I don't feel like they "must be doing something I don't know about" I think they are faking their points and they are doing it so I start to think "to do this good you must need a trainer that costs a lot of money".
Anyway, we held a good swap meet last night. Dad had told me that when people need to cut their hair to get a job its ok to sell the hair, its not about giving him the hair, its about not having it on your head. Parrot Head was concerned about that token he acquired (on a lot of levels) regarding a flop to flip and how even at $10 the Walmart cards aren't likely to work and how the conversation was originally about $10 then the one responsible for the cards said why not $15 and then the cards had $0 on them. Stealing from or tricking people as poor as us shows that someone doesn't understand what it means to work well enough to be any part of the business of jobs creation. So some things went into the exchange last night for that future eventuality. There's still a lot more horse trading and other kinds of barter that need to take place but we got a lot of orders put in so that we know how to organize for the future. Some people call this being tricked into things, but they aren't the kind of people we elevate to the higher levels, so some people think we are really just selling a bill of goods and we say that these people need to work on their differentiation skills of perception and speech because experience may have taught them some patterns but it hasn't given them every dot to connect.
I've been trying to call Dad Squiggly again too, which tells me we worked out something along the exception to the rules thing. Though Jason and I benefit from some of Dad's earliest decision making and the limits he had to accept because of it, still being overly general with that doesn't benefit anyone.
*I think we also worked out something regarding the odd feeling that I get whenever I see Steve wandering around that someone has neglected a cow*