Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Urban Hermitage

Every once in awhile I start thinking about what I would do if I suddenly got a bunch of money right now, like say 45 million or something like that. If I was able to put it somewhere to get just one percent interest on it that's $450 thousand a year. I'd spend some off the top to set up my home and then use the interest or dividends on the rest to pay bills and lifestyle, doing a lot of math to make sure I was set up for that well (I'm pegging this to slavery reparations since Indiana willfully messed up my paperwork).
Anyway, I always think how exactly to I acclimate Jason to that kind of thing, or myself for that matter. I think about all the dangers and threats and then I start thinking about home values exactly where I am, and how much it would be to buy three of them tear two down put up a security wall and start homesteading like Detroit. People are making those micro homes but I was thinking like a micro mansion, not a McMansion, but a normal two to three bedroom like is all around us just fort knox inside and out and tight as a drum. I was thinking on my walk to the bank (where a woman and child were stationed on the way to ask me to find another place to do my banking because those of us without cars need to go far away from downtown to bank and those with cars shouldn't have to look at us, she asked me with beatup gas, I thought about conversations with Gramps about my aversion to lethal force involving children and the whole child soldier topic) this morning that we could hire a whole bunch of people to follow people around because I don't figure the police would respond to me even as the primary local tax payer. So I pity the fool that would try to buy drugs or sex in my neighborhood because I'd make them my new hobby.
I was thinking about if the chicken limit is per house or per lot, what trees to plant, but then I don't eat eggs anymore, its just too much cholesterol and Mongols never adapted to an egg based diet. I think we'd get a Mongolian bankhar (tibetan mastiff) that would live in the yard, though unless the shit really hits the fan we'd feed it dog food. I was thinking about solar panels, windmills, back up generators and security systems, facial recognition and audio stuff. I was thinking about air flow pattern documentation, websites and resource distribution to likeminded resistance to the decision to maintain "our way of life" by outlawry.
I thought about urban lumberjacks and how my sorcery only focuses on whores when my thoughts get cloudy, and how urban hermits make so much more sense and how hard it is for people to make their nuts without the urban lumberjacks, and opportunities right now to buy people back from the pawn shop.