Sometimes I see some pretty negative articles about the previously proposed food and beverage tax in the HT, previously, because it just passed last night. We are talking one dollar added to hundred dollar meals, or two cents added to a C-Store fountain drink, and I suspect or more than that that those are used to pay taxes for use of different corners and spaces, so the law abiding people need to get something from that concession.
Anyway, I said on YouTube that I spend a lot of time walking past businesses where I'd be beaten to death if I went in there for a cinnamon bun or cup of coffee that aren't here for the people who actually live here, who are actually from here (the exterminator who came today was the boss, who looks extremely familiar to me, and I had pictures of Gramps and Rosy up, he probably never met Rosy if he only knew Gramps from around Bloomington, but he met me back then, I'm sure of it. Gramps explained to me once or twice that he had kind of a menagerie of odd women he encountered various ways that he visited and checked in on sometimes and whatever happens with that, people who would know him from Bloomington would probably be aware of that, but I only call Rosy Rosy to remember that Grandma was scary and her relatives are worse) and the only way we are going to get anything for the people who grow up here and work here and raise kids here in the local schools is if there is more of the convention center and catering kind of thing going on, more hospitality and food service and stuff, because we have to start at the point where we actually are, post Traveler holocaust, where no one developed without exposure to scopolomine but some people are less badly damaged by it than others, while anyone doing factory management will not come back to this.
I was also thinking about the hypnotist from Shut Eye is who Becky would have turned into if she hadnt been held down by a couple of random kids that the state still can't properly explain. She's still pretty much that, but hybridized with the kind of people who use their pharmaceutical knowledge to keep an old woman alive enough to keep drawing benefits but not lucid enough to tell any tales.
I was also thinking about the cookies at the FUMC the woman standing by the cookies said they were celebrating their 50th year I think of the pantry. I was making tuna salad for my post workout lunch and thinking about "the right way" to do things vs the on the dash way. I can't imagine Iva teaching Rosy to cook, yet I always knew her to have that skill. And here I am being the result of the programs that they used to have there for what its worth. They don't make women the way that they used to who used to run those programs, its kinda odd that my middle school (jr. high back then actually) still had home ec, but they were getting rid of it, I think I was the last class through on that. I took at least two cooking classes and one sewing class.
But then Becky got involved with the Russians, who were KGB, and the whole american diet changed very oddly, and Becky was a much better cook at night than she was during the day when she was just taking credit mostly for meals I prepared.
*it is really mellow in the library right now and the new layout looks defensive*
**oh and I only almost cut my hair, the other day, its shorter but not specifically cut per se**