Thursday, January 4, 2018

Having Trouble With Words

I just got swarmoned
I guess its someone's one hour of computer time a week all at once all of a sudden.
Anyway, four big guys just sat down like synchronized swimmers so I looked up to see what it was about.
I noticed today that my weight is creeping up again, not a lot but my leg isn't as hollow as I would like it to be. I'm experimenting with different macronutrient ratios, trying to get my fat higher and carbs lower, because it seems to make a really big difference on how badly I feel other people's problems when I do that. I put peanut butter in my whey shake and slathered some raisin bread with butter, but I ate four pieces of that, I really am trying to incorporate donated food into bringing my budget under control, but they buy closeouts from a charity dedicated to pantries and availability is what it is.
Hotzetiger was talking about ven diagrams and multiple choice tests, it was kinda a long video and I think mongolia censors online communication so people are passing around flash drives and stuff like its cuba. So I didn't get in that people from our background don't fits so we don't sits, I don't even know if mongolia has lolcats. It doesn't matter what kind of box it is, its not the box for us, cardboard or the kind you check on an exam.
Anyway, there's also the matter that though a lot of us are technically capable of a lot of things there are entry procedures by design into the different traditional professions designed for the sake of limiting how badly things can go, and people who aren't inclined to go badly to begin with need to make do doing something else. Fortune telling for money is one of those things, and increasingly religion, and when you consider that the empowerment originatesish from the Egyptian temples that makes sense. Its one thing if you are gathering to help people find their inner strength and apply in appropriately in the world with some of the less regulated empowerments that don't directly relate to employment and its another when you are gathering to do damage control over your drug and human trafficking cartel. Those people have to pay the fortune teller's tax or do something else, neither option is likely to go over well with them.