Monday, August 13, 2018

No They Didn't Kick Me Out Of Here

I just got tired of it for awhile. I need to walk a certain amount every day or I wear out my flooring basically, and I don't need to go to Kroger every day, some people treat that as suspicious too. I guess that's a good topic, I need to practice both writing and speaking out loud or the skills allocation gets absorbed into something else.
When the FBI calls the local PD and tells them that there are people that they could round up today and they say we have our own list of priorities that you cannot influence, the FBI should really stop calling them all together, not take their calls at all, and keep things separate from that community. Some say its like the wolves and the buffalo and you don't want to intervene too much but the buffalo are dying of starvation at this point because the FBI has been helping them get into all the wolf dens and wiping out the cubs and mothers.
Anyway, people come here from out of state anyway, one of them being New Jersey that will be developed instead of Indiana and they would love to hear from the FBI about what a group of sweet little 18 year olds got it into their heads all by their lonesome to do around here.
Subaru has said they wont move, and if business gets impossible here they will retire from business all together, but again I pointed out market share has to go somewhere.